Recent posts
November 20: We are hiring a lab manager!
We are hiring a lab manager! This position will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Mortimer Lab and Joshi Lab. The Mortimer and J...
November 15: Tatum presented at the Antimicrobial Resistance and Human Microbiome conference
Tatum attended THSTI-NIAID’s Antimicrobial Resistance and Human Microbiome conference in Faridabad, India. She gave a talk titled “Genomic analysis of antimi...
October 12: Undergraduates Selina and Shriya have joined the lab!
Selina Sun and Shriya Garg have joined the lab as undergraduate student assistants. Welcome Selina and Shriya!
September 26: Tatum will be speaking at IPNC workshop
Tatum will be attending the International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference in Boston. She’ll be speaking at the “Platforms for Neisseria genomics and N. gonor...