Recent posts
September 30: Pavani and Kim are rotating in the lab!
We have two new rotation students in the lab. Pavani Bommana is an IOB PhD student, and Kim Casares an ILS PhD student. Welcome Pavani and Kim!
September 23-27: The Mortimer Lab is participating in an NCBI codeathon!
Tatum, Brittany, Farah, Shanita, and Farah are participating in “Resistance is Futile: A codeathon to combat antimicrobial resistance”, a codeathon organized...
August 26: Olivia has joined the lab!
Olivia Calder has joined the lab as an undergraduate student assistant. Welcome Olivia!
August 30: Tatum is speaking at microbiology orientation for ILS students!
Tatum will be giving a short talk about the work going on in the lab at the Department of Microbiology’s orientation for ILS students this Friday in the Tate...